My Lyme Interview this Mother’s Day! 5/10/15 

  I’m Not Superwoman, but I’m Fighting Lyme Disease, So Close Enough” 

This Sunday, on Mother’s Day 2015, in early morning after 8am. I’ll be sharing my 30 year battle with Lyme Disease on Fox 29 Philly News and with so many other Lyme Patients out there who are fighting this. I feel so honored to have this voice to help those who may not know what is wrong with their children or their own health. My parents were not so lucky. They fought hard for 15 years to find out what was wrong with me, shut down by Doctor after Doctor and fighting with my Teachers and Schools too. 

I hope to inspire other Mom’s out there to never give up no matter how many times you may fall down. I am still fighting the battle and have come pretty far. With two relapses since March 2004 due to a number of things I was unable to prevent. I even had to deal with the diagnosis of my beautiful 3 year old daughter at just 14 weeks old in February 2012, born via Surrogate. I’ll be sharing her story too as well as talking about the projects I’ve worked on since for Mom’s out there to get the support they need. 

I was dealt this hand at a young age, but have truly believed after getting through some very dark times that this is the reason I was chosen this path. Yes, I could of went to college, had a job and maybe even a dancing career like I always dreamed of. However, if I did I probably wouldn’t of met the love of my life. Had a sensitivity towards others, a passion for living life to the fullest, or been given so many blessings and met so many other beautiful Lyme Warriors along the way. I know compared to many “Healthy” people, to never take a good day for granted. That doing things like being able to cook dinner for my family, go to the grocery store and run errands, give my daughter a bath or play outside with her means so much because to a Mom with Lyme those days are far and few between.

I’m so appreciative of everything God has given to me. Especially my family! They have sacrificed so much and have been effected emotionally and financially due to my illness. I hope on Sunday I can give more Parents out there hope and those just diagnosed to keep fighting and never give up! One day we’ll get the respect this illness so rightfully deserves from Doctors, the IDSA, and others. It’s getting better…I can feel it and see it everywhere around me. I pray it continues even if it’s one step at a time.    

Me speaking at the Capitol for the Lyme Bill, my Wonderful and Supportive Parent’s John & Roxanne and my Daughter Hannah as a baby

(left to right) Protesting with my Sister Jessica, myself, friend Dawn and fellow Lyme Warrior Morgan. 

My Husband Brian and Daughter Hannah Marie❤️

One Response

  1. Small molecules treat bones
    No Bact. resistance
    Calcifying defense overcome
    This is NB protocol


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